Thursday 26 November 2009

Latest draft, comments please!

This is the latest draft of our project.
Here's the movie, if you just want to look at it: movie
And here's the source code if you want to see how it works/"remix" anything: source


  1. seems almost finish...right?
    it looks pretty good!!
    quite a lot of interactive features
    but will you have any simple guide? or a bit text for assistance?


  2. As above, who know how to use the button ?
    No indication. It may be difficult to let other people understand what it is.

  3. Yep. It's not quite finished yet, it definitely needs a few labels.

  4. It looks great, but can you make the sea wave much closer to the nature one. I mean the movement of the waves could be more coherent. I hope it can be perfect.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I'm really enjoying to see you guys have been improving your LO from entry to entry. Your LO is one of the best among our class (but of course ours is better, lol), congrats!! I think your work is nearly done when the labels, links are added. I just wonder what does the second left botton represent? Furthermore, it'd be nice to slow down the wave thing a bit, because I have the difficulty to catch up the tsunami wave effect.
    Keep it up UKHK!!

  7. I like your clear graphics. It's very easy to see what is happening and in contradiction to Wu Mina, I love the wave! Is it possible to use the term richter scale? I do wonder about the understanding students could generalise from this LO; for example, there are different types of forces that act to create earthquakes. Yours has focused on the sliding back or uprising of the other plate, perhaps it would help to name your LO more specifically rather than just general 'earthquakes'. There's a picture in wikipedia that maybe helpful with naming. And along the same idea ....not all earthquakes result in tsunamis but I guess having a beach side visual helps people to understand that the LO is about earthquakes near oceans. These ideas would just mean changes in the naming of it rather than actual animation changes. i think what you've done is effective to demonstrate how LO's can be used and the suggestions I make are only if you were going to use it in a classroom...especially a junior school classroom.

  8. Also ... a query. Does the sea drop before the earth moves or after? I notice the sea drops first then the earth moves. I wondered if it was the other way around.

  9. I think that the sea level shouldn't drop at all, except with the wave, it's probably a case of us lining up the movie clips incorrectly.

  10. 1.Very attractive visual presentation which makes audience eager to try.
    2.More illustrations are needed to show audience what is going to demonsrate in the representation – Pre-training principle.
    Suggested by Lineage 6323
