Sunday, 13 December 2009

Final Product

Although nothing is ever really finished, we have taken on board a lot of the comments we received and created a final version of our learning object. I'm sure group members will add their own thoughts in other blog posts, but for me this project has been invaluable. I learnt an incredible amount about using Flash to create learning objects simply through the (often frustrating) process of trying to make stuff work.
The ability to post regular updates to the blog was a good tool, as it provided plenty of feedback and offered impetus to keep on improving. As I said before, there are things which I am happy with, and things which I would improve given unlimited time and skills. Overall, though, I'm happy with the way the project has turned out. I believe we made a good effort at incorporating the theory of creating learning objects into the presentation. I'd love to add some more game-style interactivity, but I'm afraid my programming wasn't up to it. I think that the major areas for improvement are cosmetic, thanks to the group's not great artistic talents! Oh well, maybe in the future. Enough of that, here's the presentation:


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