Monday, 30 November 2009

Changes Based on Comments

Thanks very much to everyone who commented, and to all groups for putting up their learning objects for us to take a look at. Based on the comments and our own thoughts, here are the things that we are going to attempt to change:

1. Include more labels to let the learners know what the buttons do before they press them. I'd also like to include mouseover suggestions.
2. Label some of the key features: subductive plate, etc.
3. Finish adding a links section.
4. Improve the maps with the addition of the amount that the sea level is rising.
5. Maybe add some sound effects/voiceover.
6. Slow down the animation- we can experiment with dropping the framerate.

Anything I've missed?

PS: if anyone is interested in trying out Google Wave and hasn't got an invite, let me know.


  1. Hi Nick,
    Great learning object. I don't know if it has been specifically mentioned, but it would be good to add some instructions - it doesn't seem self intuitive.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. hi~
    I'm looking forward to the changed learning object.
    For the previous version, I tried playing the animation and a section simultaneously , and I found that the differences of the height of wave is not so obvious since the layer has been covered by the section layer. I don't know if it is changed or not in the new version.
    It may not be a big deal but it would be better to hide sections' layers while playing the animation.

  4. Saeed: Yep, instructions would be good, I'll see what I can do about that.
    Andrea: Yep, that is a problem. I'm not sure whether it would be best to automatically turn the information window off, or whether we should let people choose. I'll make a version with both and see what works better.

  5. Nick I send some of my comment to your gmail.

  6. Your learning object looks great visually! Many people have already offered their comments. I only have one small one to add: if you're adding labels, perhaps you can also label the photos that appear under the yellow tab? I'm not sure how the different photos relate to the different tsunami levels.
